Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another Day Down

Well another day without a drink! I believe that makes 19 for me now. It may not seem like much to some people, but to me it's huge! Got to go back to work today which I am very thankful for. I have continued to read my bible everyday and take time everyday to pray. I have had several people that I had no idea approach me and tell me they attend AA and would be glad for them to go with me. My family and friends encouragement is what keeps me going everyday.

I tell myself that I can do this one day at a time but sometimes it is a hour or a minute at a time. I think the DT's and withdrawals are better then they hit me like a ton of bricks sometime. I pray everyday that the cravings will get better and I know with prayer they will, but cravings are my worse demon right now. My body and the devil tell me to just stop and get a bottle and everything will be better, but then I pray and think of my family and friends and get through it.

In the back of my mind I keep hoping these blogs will somehow help someone with the same demons I have. After writing my second blog I was contacted about someone having alcohol problems and wanted to know the first steps in getting help. This has already made it worth my efforts in trying to do this blog.

Once again thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for not Only me but for Charity also!


  1. Good Job :) keep on smiling and you WILL make it through

  2. You can do this! I do not know you but I know your sister and have so much respect for her. You are a very strong man just for coming forward and admitting you have a problem. Prayers coming your way and I'll be sending you a facebook friend request so that I can follow you there as well as here. Please hang in there. Being the child of an alcoholic father I know the destruction is causes. You have a wonderful family to support you and ONE DAY AT A TIME you can do this.

    Prayers from our home to yours.
    Michele Martin
